Stationary Power Skids are typically used where aquarium staff does not want to or can’t move a power cart into the exhibit area. The Stationary Power Skid is usually located in a machinery room that is dry and not in close proximity to salt water. The Stationary Power Skid can be piped with stainless steel tubing to supply the exhibit. The Stationary Power Skid can be located as much as 2000 feet from the exhibit without loss of pressure or flow. This configuration allows for multiple ports to be located in the exhibit thus reducing the length of supply hose required for the scrubber.

Each unit is customized for the specific requirements of the institution but the standard features are as follows:
- Powder coated aluminum frame.
- 7.5 hp electric motor. Single or 3-phase motors are available in 60 Hz or 50 Hz.
We can match your power requirements.
- Three piston positive displacement pump with internal recirculation valve.
- Adjustable Unloader Valve.
- Thermal Relief Valve.
- High Pressure Relief Valve.
- Automatic water shut-off for low/no water supply.
- Demand start and stop. Unit starts when diver pulls scrubber handle. Unit stops 45 seconds after diver releases the scrubber handle.
- All permanently mounted high pressure hoses are braided stainless steel.
- Supply water filter—clear filter housing with 5 micron filter element.
- All control circuits are low voltage (24VDC) to eliminate shock hazard.
- Hour meter to track maintenance intervals.
- Illuminated operator push buttons for start, stop, and low/no water pressure.
- Waterproof electrical controls (NEMA 4X).
- Ground Fault Interrupt circuitry (GFI) contained in the control panel.
- Stationary Power Skid can be customized for institution’s special requirements.